

Wrest Park

Beds & Herts League

27 June      v Watford (home)     Won 4-2

Bryan Harral (1) and Elaine Newman (14) lost to Simon Hathrell (-½) and Geoff Johnson (18) -2T

David Marsh (12) and Ray Pearcy (12) beat John Bee (5) and John Smallbone (4½) +15

Bryan Harral (1) beat Simon Hathrell (-½) +20

David Marsh (12) beat John Smallbone (4½) +7T

Ray Pearcy (12) beat John Bee (5) +3T

Elaine Newman (14) lost to Geoff Johnson (18)  -14

Report by Bryan Harral

The battle for supremacy in the Beds and Herts league was fought on the hottest day of the year so far. Fortunately, very fast lawns meant that hardly any effort was required to reach from corner to corner. In the doubles David and Ray, with seven bisques, overwhelmed their opponents without too much trouble, but Bryan and Elaine struggled against very accurate shooting. At lunch honours were evenly shared.


In the afternoon Bryan beat Simon whose accuracy had deserted him, so the score was now 2 -1 to Wrest Park. We needed two more wins from three games to win the match. Elaine, giving away four bisques, played well but finally lost to Geoff Johnson. David got ahead using his bisques and hung on to win +7 on time. Ray, who had to be continuously topped-up with water to stop him melting, also played well to stay ahead and win +3 on time. At the final whistle it’s 4 - 2 to Wrest Park.