

Wrest Park

Mary Rose

14 August    v Letchworth (away)    Won 5-2

Bryan Harral (1) & George Collin (1) beat David Tutt (0) & Ian Mantle (1½) +16

John Bevington (1) beat Jeremy Scott (4½) +17

Terry Mahoney (1½) beat George Woolhouse (2½) +22

Bryan Harral lost to David Tutt -9

George Collin beat Ian mantle +11

John Bevington beat George Woolhouse +10

Terry Mahoney lost to Jeremy Scott -1

In the morning singles Terry didn’t put a foot wrong and Jeremy repeatedly stuck in the first hoop, but the class play was in the doubles where George, fired by his efforts in the August tournament (see the previous page), embarked on another triple attempt. This time he completed the peels but was left without an escape ball to assist with the pegout, so the gold award remains tantalisingly out of reach. Jeremy recovered his form against Terry and pegged him out before winning +1, but John then beat George to clinch the win before the other two singles were divided. We now travel to Chester, George’s old stamping ground. Will this inspire him to complete that elusive triple?

No report of a visit to Letchworth should fail to mention their wonderful lawns. If our new ones end up anything like as good we wil be well pleased.

The Letchworth clubhouse and equipment sheds

© Wrest Park Croquet Club