EACF GC Club Champions Day tournament 8 July

report by Richard Keighley (there is also a report on the EACF website)

Wrest Park retain “missing “trophy!

Hunstanton was the venue for this event which took place for the first time in two years. Clubs in the Federation area are invited to enter the winners of their internal competitions, both level play and handicap.

The organiser, Terrey Sparks, received six entries for the Advanced (Level Play) event. These included Terry Collis ( 2) representing Wrest Park. By coincidence, he won the Handicap event at Colchester in 2021 but he never received the trophy which Terrey had retained for repairs but which had gone missing. Terry did not enjoy the same degree of success this time and the clear winner proved to be Ross Bagni (0) (Leighton-Linslade but also a WP member) who won all his 5 games on an all-play-all basis.

The corresponding Handicap tournament attracted eight entries and it was played under the new Advantage rules. The field was split into two blocks of four players and played on a cross-block basis. Richard Keighley (5) represented Wrest Park and won three of his four games. As there was no outright winner of his block, he played one more game which he won (7-5) and, to his surprise, found himself in the Final on a net hoops basis. His opponent was David Boxell (5) from Hunstanton who had beaten him earlier in the day. Richard fared better this time and won (7-5).

Terrey Sparks explained that the trophy was still missing but promised to make a fresh search for it. It turned up two days later but in a condition beyond repair. Terrey intends to “cross the Wash to a trophy shop in Boston to acquire a replacement.”  

Ross and Richard with
manager Terrey Sparks

© Wrest Park Croquet Club  



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