

Wrest Park

Court Booking System

Most people call it a lawn, but court is the official term used in the AC Laws and GC Rules. The Court Booking System (CBS), written by Simon Hathrell and used by a number of clubs, uses the term court throughout.

Getting started

Members will be sent an email containing the link to the CBS, a user name and a temporary password. Clicking on the link takes you to the CBS, where you log in using the password provided. You must then change this password to one of your own choosing and use it when you log in to the CBS to make a booking. Note that you can log in using your email address instead of your allocated user name.

The link to enter the Wrest Park CBS is

You can copy this link as a bookmark or favourite in a browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, and access it from there.

The CBS has its own Help screens, and we have produced a CBS User Guide which covers the main features. We recommend that you make a printed copy of the User Guide to refer to when using the CBS.

If you are unable to access the CBS you can book a lawn through Bryan Harral (, 01525 405297) as before.


The CBS for Wrest Park will be administered by a team headed by Tim Brewer which will add bookings for all tournaments, league matches and any other events to the CBS as soon as the dates are finalised. Note that the information shown on the Diary page may lag behind what is shown on the CBS.

Mowing and other lawn maintenance

Mowing and other lawn maintenance will not appear as a booking and players must be prepared to swap lawns if necessary. We normally mow the day before tournaments and important matches.

Dos and Donts

Updates, FAQs, hints and tips etc.

These will be added to this page from time to time as the need arises.

© Wrest Park Croquet Club