GC Leagues 2023

Report by team manager and fixtures organiser Richard Keighley. Also included is a summary of Wrest Park’s results in the 4 Club Trophy, the format for which was explained in the archived report of the 2019 event. Detailed League results are on the EACF website.

Open League

This league consisted of a single Western Area with no regional final. Six teams participated.

Wrest Park finished in 3rd place behind Northampton and Letchworth, having lost to both of them, but recorded good wins against Newport, Enfield and Watford.

Team selected from Ross Bagni, Les Heard, George Collin, Terry Collis, Eric Audsley, Tim Brewer, David Ball and Michael Tideswell.

B level League

Wrest Park was placed in the Central and Western Area section of this league in which five teams took part. Good wins were accomplished against Northampton (at Roade) and Letchworth, but the team finished 3rd after losing to Watford and Leighton-Linslade.

Team selected from Marilyn Robinson, Michael Tideswell, Tony Meredith, Richard Keighley, Richard Skidmore, Tim Brewer and Chris Harrison.

Handicap (Advantage) League

The Western Area of this league consisted of a rather odd combination of six teams, two from Stony Stratford, two from Watford and one each from Leighton-Linslade and ourselves.

Stony Stratford Blues won all their matches to finish with 10 points. Wrest Park finished 2nd with 5 points amongst the also-rans. Advantage croquet has not proved to be universally popular but there is no doubt that it will form the basis of competitive handicap play in the future at the expense of the former "extra shots" system.

Team selected from Michael Tideswell, Tony Meredith, Richard Keighley, Terry Collis, Eddie Fisher and Chris Harrison.

4 Club Trophy

This is not an EACF event but one organised annually by clubs from Leighton Linslade, Northampton, Watford and Wrest Park. Each club takes a turn in hosting a one-day tournament.

Wrest Park started badly by finishing in 4th place at Leighton-Linslade and at home, but rallied to take 2nd place at Watford and to win the final round in the Northampton leg, which was actually played at Wrest Park.

Finishing positions: 1. Leighton-Linslade 81 points, 2. Northampton 79 points, 3. Watford 74 points, 4. Wrest Park 72 points.

Team from: Terry Collis, George Collin, Tim Brewer, Michael Tideswell and Richard Keighley.

In summary, a season of modest success overall but some very enjoyable and closely fought matches and fine individual performances.

© Wrest Park Croquet Club  



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